Dont just tell me what coin you want to see pumped,
Explain why the coin is going to gain value, maybe who the devs are or what the following is like,
I won't tell you what to do, but I would suggest you check out NobleCoin. The prices are very low at the moment due to both of its major exchanges being hacked in succession.
As for the coin it is a LTC clone, but with a 1 block diff retarget which makes it multipool resistant. The dev of the coin is what really makes it shine. Since release 2 months ago we now have a fully working marketplace where you can buy amazon, newegg and xbox live vouchers with a 12% discount for using Noble. There is also the opportunity to buy Noble bullion which has just been confirmed.
Not to mention E Sports sponsorships and the $5000 raised for charity...
The best part for me is how friendly and dedicated the community are, leaps and bounds above most others.