Comparing the 17 series from bitmain to any other mining gear will always lead to the same results, those 17 series are the worst mining gears anybody has ever made, so without a doubt, the M20 and M21s are far more robust than S17/T17, but since we don't have enough data on S19/T19 we can't be certain about their quality, my bet is "they are much better than the 17 series", but are they better than the m30+/m30++/m30s from microbt? nobody can tell, it is a bit too early to judge.
But overall comparing Microbt gears to Bitmain in terms of quality, I would say MicroBt, honestly, Bitmain failed big time in the 17 series, S9k , S9e and many other non-btc mining gears, the S9 was the last mining gear from Bitmain with tremendous robustness, I hope they have gone back to the same standards on these 19 series, although I wouldn't trust them until months have passed.
And for the M32s ?
Very few review on it
We wont be reviewing any of them as mining btc directly is very hard to do.
32s are all over priced.
we are in a time right now where gpu mining eth on nicehash and auto verting it into btc is a better more profitable way to mine btc.
now i have posted this in about seven threads 🧵 and it gets deleted by the mod here in the btc section of mining as off topic. frankly i disagree with that and think you should know why you are not seeing a lot of reviews for btc gear .
i just spent 4600 on gpus to mine eth on nicehash to autovert into btc.
i use about 2000 watts and earn around 24 usd worth of btc doing that.
if I buy 4600 worth of whatsminers i would be less profitable about 17 usd in btc and burn more then 6000 watts.
until asic btc profits catchup you wont be getting reviews here.
as a guy with 300kwatts of power using only 100kwatts split between asics and gpus is how i am postioned.
I have about 20 s17pros and about 1.7ph of asics mining ⛏ btc directly.
I wont be getting any asics for now. and I will mine with asics and gpus for a while.