As for the price increase and people actually spreading the fud like the one we see now with bitcoin at $100k, they were many people who had actually spread the FUD of bitcoin never attaining a six figure when the price was $10k I think they are same people now spreading it again that buying at this price is actually FOMO. One thing I tell intending investors is if bitcoin can pull this price movement without mass adoption and coupled with the scrutiny by the government then imagine how far it can go when everyone comes back to embrace this revolution.
The advice is simply DCA when you have funds and hodl for long
It's the human nature to be drawn to success. If the price of Bitcoin is 'tanking' you'll see this set of people throwing tantrums at Bitcoin but now that it's mooning it's the opposite.
The post is just a reminder to skeptics that they're not too late to grab a bag. Its better to buy now at 100k and hodl because its going to worth more in future. If not, they will miss another opportunity again and will find themselves regretting tomorrow.