So maybe the correct answer are you may get a loan with high rate and pay it back in less rate.
in fact some week ago people borrow 0.1 ($50) and now he repay 0.11 ($77) so he lost arround $27, maybe you can borrow 0.1 bitcoin now with rate $700 and you will repay at price $1000
But it should be nice if you can earn some money with it later but you cant control it so that is bad.
Because of the risk I also do not recommend you to borrow any bitcoin, it can let you lose a lot of money plus you can also get scammed.
Overall I find it too risky to do, maybe with a sort of service it can be done with some security.
It can be good but I myself would never do this because it has some risks that really can let you lose money.
I would find another way to make money or something.
There are a lot of other options in my eyes, borrowing is not the recommend one its indeed risky.
You can better find another method and the fact is also that if you want to do this you should have full details of someone..