Well with no adoption a new rise is useless, by 2022 there might be possibilities to pay with crypto and the economy wont last that long. With inflation surfacing and crypto being used in everyday life there will at least be a demand, but still no income for the holders, only possibilities for companies to save money. Very few cryptos actually makes money to holders, the others won´t have a reason to go up, you use BTC for a payment and the acceptor sells it for cash giving 50 / 50 buy and sell pressure so the price wont even be affected by usage in many cases.
As i see it now only dividend paying exchange tokens will have a value in near time 1-3 years, and the payment coins will have to wait longer. For Value storage coins like BTC, the true state of the economy and the hidden inflation must surface prior to a real price surge.
Let adoption happen, give it 5 years and do all you can to promote the many benefits by going over to blockchain tech in general