As the famous Warren Buffett once ironically observed, you only find out who is swimming naked when the tide goes out. Now that the tide is gone, it's time to check what's left and pick it up
Many trading folks, me included, like quoting him, whether spot on or completely beside the point. But the talking crowd doesn't really care about the real insights and nuggets of wisdom this man shares, other than what is right at the surface. And there's always more to his words and sayings than the majority sees. In this post I'm going to show you what it means in practice and how to make use of it
In this particular case, for example, the market crash has shown which coins are going to kick the bucket and which have good chances to survive. But these are extreme cases, while there's a lot of space in between as well as room for action and improvement. Basically, falling prices let you clearly see what assets are performing better and which are worth neither your time nor dime. Bear market is kind of an eye-opener for you and reality check for your investment decisions
And this is the whole thing. Bear market allows you not only to see where your investments are going but also lets you easily unwind them by selling poorly performing coins (if we talk about cryptos) and then proceed to buy more resilient coins at half the price as the market goes downhill. That's what most people overlook in bear markets and so fail to take advantage of. In a nutshell, it is a perfect time to change sails or even the ship itself, tide or no tide
Bear market is an eye opener, but a lot of people don’t know that yet. I think they are blinded by their search for quick income. Once there is bear they all start running out the market. This is the time for you to settle down and use better strategies that will sustain you through out the period. There are still chances to earn even as the market is down.