There are few factors that leads to unfavourable trading, these factors includes Greed, and chasing a trend, Traders are expected to encounter Challenges during trading and relating these challenges with people's experiences can be the key in solving the challenge,
Sticking to the trading plan is also good to avoid unfavourable trade as changing plans in the middle of a trade Can really lead to a loss in trade.
When you trade, you cannot simply expect that all your trades will be good enough to stay you in profits. In fact, there are more unfavorable trades happening than those favorable ones. That is because the market is not stable and will always be prone to changes every now and then, which makes it hard to predict a lot of times. And since most of the traders too particularly the newbies who claimed to be good traders brought along their greed and expect immediate profits, then that will make their trades more unfavorable to the market. The fact that you trade simply because for profits and not with passion to understand the market well, then it’s not surprising that you’ll end up trading that the market won’t favor.
Have that realistic approach and not something like a perfect trader kind of mindset because it would really be just disappoint you out because we know that this market is truly unpredictable which
means that every step you would make wont really be giving out an assurance that it would be positive. This is what always those people misconcepts about trading and dealing with this market.
Specially when you are still newbie on which having this kind of common impression is really that you would feel on the time that you would be starting on. On the time that you would be able to face up the reality of this market then this is where self realization would kick in and you would be having that kind of impression that the initial mindset you do have is very wrong.
Therefore, you would really be making out adjustments basing up on what you had encountered and you wont really be that too dumb enough for you not to distinguish on how risky this market is.
If you dont make it serious then dont expect about serious results. Loses are inevitable but you could really be able to lessen it out if you do know on what you are doing.