If BU and Core are both bitcoin...what's trading when I go to Blockchain.info? Is it BTC Core or BU? Are there separate exchanges for BU?
If they're both bitcoin then no one should be concerned...obviously that's not happening right now.
BU and Core both are both bitcoin right now, so it's unfair to call the one bitcoin and the other not.
In fact BU even has more hashrate, so if anything, BU is the real bitcoin right now.
Instead of a fork, creating (what sounds like) a separate currency. Why can't we all agree to halt trading for 48 hours or a week to allow the capability for greater blocksize to be coded in...i.e., increase the pipes to allow greater flow. Then after the agreed upon timeframe the exchanges open back up and transactions can resume.
None of that is needed.
You can change the code without needed to halt trade.
You can even write a rule like:
From block 500,000 onwards, blocksize will be 4MB.
It is one of these easy stories that drop the market two floors down, when necessary.
I expected this story, or a similar one, to pop up again after the next leg up. And again, it will create a shitstorm for couple of days only to ignite a drop, with no real effect on Bitcoin development.