If some one have the info about crypto whales signals
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Dont give me any free advice about doing or researching or analyzing my own trade. I just need some whales signals to gather some info with my own statistics.
So fell free to share if u have any idea about whale signals
By the way, to all those who says whale alert on twitter, that's not really a healthy one at all. I have seen it debunked a million times before and I am not looking at that as a legit thing anymore. Sometimes they do say that its a movement between exchange wallets, like binance moving money from hot wallet to cold wallet for example, but they do often miss most exchange movements and make people think that its a whale movement.
When coinbase moves money from one place to another, they tweet like "a whale moved 1 billion dollars!!" no they didn't, it was coinbase. This has happened a million times so far which is why I always consider them as not that great at what they do and I would suggest you to not consider that as real information neither, they miss many movements.
Totally shit for you to follow on and i have really leaved out with those whale alerts and considering it doesnt really give out any significance at all. On what part it would really be making out such impact
towards your analysis? We cant really even know if those are just the only transfers made and its true that there are lots which are been missed. If there's some groups that gives out some whale
signal then those are mostly are scams or frauds on which it would really be making someone on following into something which it isnt real. There's no point on following because it would really
just make things get messy. Better to trade with your own analysis rather than on making yourself believe that these movements are actually whale ones. There's no way on getting these
information so easily about their movement or whats their trading plans or whatever it would be.