BTW, is loaded with 8 million satoshi but you have it listed as empty.
It might run out for a day at the most but we plan to run our faucets for years.
The more often a faucet becomes empty and/or the longer it stays empty and/or non-working, the longer it takes to lose the
* (
mark of shame ).
If a site remains empty/non-working for an extended period they will be removed from the list altogether.
( sites that have a long history of being reliable will be given greater leeway )
It was empty for more than a day. It came close to being removed from the list...
( I might not be able to check every site every day, esp. during certain times of year, so if an empty site is refilled and then goes empty right away again it may be seen by me as being empty for a longer duration than it actually was. )
It might lose the mark tomorrow if it stays working and paying out properly.