There are a lot of people giving unsolicited advice and tips as regards the subjects.
I experienced this some PMed me on my social media (
FaceBook) asking me about trading if I was willing to learn on trading, I asked them "
how?" pretending that I don't have knowledge on trading or in crypto how it works, they offered me an investment or they will create a trading account on Binance just for me and I asked how do I trust them, they simply answered "
I'm not a scammer, trust me" which is a common line of most scammers.
So, you must learn on your own and don't trust random people on the internet. I learned in trading for almost 2 years of reading and searching everywhere including this forum, watching tutorials and tips on youtube but I didn't get it in a short period of time.
Joining groups like telegram, they aren't bad for other sources of information regarding trading but as long this isn't a pump and dumps group which is sure will not give you benefits. Learn and research your own is a perfect of learning about trading.