
Topic: Where do you see crypto-currency take us in the next 5, 10, 15 or 20+ years? - page 2. (Read 1715 times)

hero member
Activity: 2884
Merit: 794
I am terrible at Fantasy Football!!!
It is really difficult to know where are we going to be in the next week so making a prediction about where we are going to be in the next decades is very difficult, personally I think a big economic crisis is coming in the next decades and if that is correct then many people will be looking for alternative methods to store their wealth and when they find bitcoin they will decide to invest in it so the value of bitcoin as a currency will go up.
Couldn't agree with you more. Well put. With the state the world is in right now then that sure as hell won't be long from now....
What it really bothers me is that all the people around me do not believe it, I am trying to warn them that something bigger than all the crisis we have faced before is coming and that they should prepare themselves just in the case that happens, and yet no one listens, I hope they prepare themselves but if they do not at least I will be able to say I told you so.
Activity: 51
Merit: 0
At the moment it's taking me to the cleaners........everything I seem to invest in seems to go down. GBX, EOS and electroneum  to name a few. Need a break soon I tell thee
copper member
Activity: 308
Merit: 1
I believe cryptocurency would have become a legal payment medium in 5 years time.
sr. member
Activity: 868
Merit: 257
I saw the future of cryptocurrency from 20 year from are become famous and year year have two to three country was decide to to accept cryptocurrency as legal tender, the cryp popularly become very famous as number one currency but some shitcoin will be junk.
I think the future of bitcoin it become more progressive 20 years from now it become more popular and accepted in all country. Bitcoin is very famous from the start up to know cause the value is always on top value even they always facing the trials compared some coins  will be junk.
Activity: 364
Merit: 10
I think in the next years to come, Crypto will be seen as one of the most used currencies in the world widely accepted by so many people in the world. 
Activity: 518
Merit: 11
Crypto world will bring us to digital transactions, crypto trading will be filled by large investors.

Global trade will use crypto, no bad economy, no crisis. Crypto holds all the controls of the world economy.
Activity: 137
Merit: 0
Cryptocurrencies are still growing with some really amazing projects out there. Those with real use projects that survive will definitely lead the way to the new world which would be a cashless society. People would run to blockchain technology in few years considering the overwhelming number of hacks we see daily. Cryptography is on of the best ways we could ever address issues of hacks and security breach. Cryptocurrencies are going to stay with us and bitcoin will surely lead the way as it is doing currently.
Activity: 22
Merit: 0
I see cryptos going up in value, becoming less volatile and becoming more popular. I don't see it being mainstream yet as not a lot of people are risk takers.
Activity: 73
Merit: 0
if we look at the current development, there is no doubt that crypto will continue to be popular until 10 or 20 years into the future, it will be like a ship that shades the economic life of people. Competition among Altcooin will continue to occur as well as national currency competition today.
Activity: 58
Merit: 0
When government totally manipulate cryptocurrency, I think 20 years from now will become the reason of the fall down of cryptocurrency. Another thing, when people get scared or mad in bitcoin then we will see that it will not anymore be useful in humanity. But as of now, cryptocurrency is beginning to dominate in this world and I think that it will continue to grow in the next couple of decades.
Activity: 62
Merit: 0
A big question, in the next 5-20years. Globalization is already happening and so crypto can not be stopped it can only be improved upon with competition of each currency trying to fight for a first place. So crypto will be stronger in those subsequent years to come because of globalization, distance, trade etc. But I have a contemplation as regards the disadvantage of crypto it poses more vices in the society if not curbed by improvement and advancement.
jr. member
Activity: 101
Merit: 3
It is really difficult to know where are we going to be in the next week so making a prediction about where we are going to be in the next decades is very difficult, personally I think a big economic crisis is coming in the next decades and if that is correct then many people will be looking for alternative methods to store their wealth and when they find bitcoin they will decide to invest in it so the value of bitcoin as a currency will go up.
Couldn't agree with you more. Well put. With the state the world is in right now then that sure as hell won't be long from now....
hero member
Activity: 2884
Merit: 794
I am terrible at Fantasy Football!!!
It is really difficult to know where are we going to be in the next week so making a prediction about where we are going to be in the next decades is very difficult, personally I think a big economic crisis is coming in the next decades and if that is correct then many people will be looking for alternative methods to store their wealth and when they find bitcoin they will decide to invest in it so the value of bitcoin as a currency will go up.
full member
Activity: 2590
Merit: 228
I saw the future of cryptocurrency from 20 year from are become famous and year year have two to three country was decide to to accept cryptocurrency as legal tender, the cryp popularly become very famous as number one currency but some shitcoin will be junk.
jr. member
Activity: 101
Merit: 3
I hope that bitcoin finds its way into the main stream. Where it can be seen as one on the best currencies.this mainly my hope but i think after a couple of years we will stop seeing a lot of bitcoins exist or be created and we will start seeing a much smaller number of them while these top big pumped altcoins die away and give their place to good projects that are doing something real. for now we have to wair and see what happens.
That's the thing. It's not one of the best crypto's out there. It's the very first crypto, sure. But a lot of other projects are way ahead of BTC as it already is, I mean look at ETH, PIVX and DASH just to name a few.
jr. member
Activity: 101
Merit: 3
Bitcoin has the first mover advantage, but now the core problem for Bitcoin is its adoption for small every day payments and its competition with Ethereum. Ethereum has faster transactions and much more utility features as compared to Bitcoin. Ethereum showed itself not just another cryptocurrency it focuses on the bigger problem, so it is adopting much faster as compared to Bitcoin, so it is really the thing to cause fall of BTC to level off.
 Bitcoin’s value proposition is not digital currency - it is its methodology in guaranteeing the trustworthiness of digital currency. Fixing Bitcoin blockchain to overcome payment issues has become an obsession among platform developers but it is too difficult, even after LIghthing Network implementation cause the problem lies at the heart of its design. When a person buys or sells something using bitcoin, that transaction is broadcast to the entire bitcoin network - no matter how small or big.
I could not agree with you more. I honestly believe PIVX could take the lead and probably will take the lead eventually as the fastest coin out there with transaction speed  of 5 to 10 seconds! More and more coins are forking from PIVX and its turning out to become very popular among-st the users/community. Have you ever tried it? I can get my coins on the exchange from my wallet within 5 minutes and sell them in seconds.
jr. member
Activity: 101
Merit: 3
It is mathematical that the future will be crypto. They are the best type of coins that the market will choose instead of the old fiat.
I hope so mate. I have seen more and more shops in the UK accepting crypto, in fact last month I bought some BTC from a cash machine but it was a rip off. Cost me around 15% more to buy a coin from there.
jr. member
Activity: 101
Merit: 3
i think in the virtual world. like there's no more real cash because its all virtual, all the payments and transactions can be done virtually.
Yeah we already see it in games such as fortnite and many others...
jr. member
Activity: 101
Merit: 3
crypto world is a large place of crypto marketing and earn has  some awesome things.with crypto coins help or investing or holding crypto coins peole from very poor scale are now leading a very happy and good in their financial life and now everyday a huge number of people are joining with crypto  currency.and with crypto currency allll arere undoubtly i can say that crypto currency take us in a good finacial,happy and luxurious life style in next five,ten,fifteen or twenty years.
One can only hope. You are right it is making the future better in terms of technological advances but I think to some extent this also applies to those who are already rich and if anything this can also make the rich even richer.
jr. member
Activity: 67
Merit: 2
I hope that bitcoin finds its way into the main stream. Where it can be seen as one on the best currencies.this mainly my hope but i think after a couple of years we will stop seeing a lot of bitcoins exist or be created and we will start seeing a much smaller number of them while these top big pumped altcoins die away and give their place to good projects that are doing something real. for now we have to wair and see what happens.
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