Okay some of the options here are really useful, but I think all this makes sense when you have enough amount in the wallet.
There are many options one can take like some posted above,
splitting up the words on 2-3 different places can be a good option as well, but what if you need them and then you don't have them nearby.
I think if its a 12 word, it is possible to memorize it easily.
And even for a 24 word phrase, its possible to memorize it, or maybe you can encrypt it into something easy to remember, but then you'll have to remember the decrypting process as well.
Human memory is simply hopeless. Unless you're superhuman you'll forget within days. I have tons of encrypted files that I can't get into any more and I forgot the passwords within a few weeks or months, and they would've been variations on my usual ones.
Unless you spend a few minutes every day practicing and double checking, your seed will be toast in no time. And to be able to check and remind it'll need to be written down anyway.
Spend $50 on sd cards and a knackered laptop and you should be secure as can be for life.
You are completely right. There is far greater risk in forgetting password then being hacked if you ask me.
It probably save if you change the picture format to another format. Lets say *jpg to random format like *awqe atleast it will safe for people who dont know how to check the real file format. But if someone open it with notepad and check the code, probably they know what format it is and the thief can change the format back to *jpg again. So, we need to change some code a little bit and this is what i do until now and save it on my phone.
He's completely right. You need your botty smacked. Everything you're doing is needlessly risky.
Multiple micro sd cards with the seed in txt files in properly encrypted folders created on a computer that'll never see the internet again will do the job. Deposit them in various places and you should be fine.
I recommend having few usb sticks with encryptstick software.
1. Copy/paste private keys in txt file and copy them on those USB sticks.
2. Encrypt usb sticks using encryptstick or similar software. It look like file explorer but encrypts everything that you put in main folder.
3. Store one at home, one on some other safe place and third always carry with you.
If something happens at your home you still have two copies left. If you lose one that you carry with you you still have two left.
4. Password used to decrypt those files shouldn't be dictionary word. I recommend using two sentence that have meaning to you.
Remember first letter of every word in the sentance and that should be you password. Throw in one number in the password and you have pretty strong password.
Write that two sentances on paper, put that paper in waterproof container and store it somewhere.
Password should be easy to remember for you. And if you forget it somehow, you can always look at the paper in container.