One way i know but the payments are very low so u dnt join this. This thread is for newbie. bitcoin after every 10 minutes.
Bitcoin faucets are good idea for newbie to higher rank if you run out your Bitcoin. And I think your posted website is really good payment.
What makes you say this? What do you consider a "really good payment"? You could jump faucets all day put in a full 8 hour work day and get cent's.
I don't think we should confuse anyone new and associate faucets with "really good pay:
So what you are going to recommend to newbies? Sig campaigns? which pays equals to these faucets only few satoshi.... If some sig campaigns pays more than faucets, then you need to work hard, like posting. Posting a very good quality posts. which takes more time and efforts then these faucets
I would recommend a sig campaign over faucets yes. Even the newbie rank ones you gain a tiny bit of BTC. And just do normal posting, not posting without content. But if you do your normal posting you will gain in most cases more then a faucet and not spend hours per day doing faucets.
I personally believe typing in capatchas at a faucet does not teach you btc.
If you want to learn more about the internals buy a usb stick miner (block erupter's are great examples). You will not make money. But this is honestly one of the best ways to start. You will no doubt have problems, and learn to fix them, learn about mining, learn about pools, maybe even solo just for fun with a stick miner. I cant say enough for starting here to learn without dropping serious cash.
From there you expand to learning about wallets. The topics come in a very straight way with mining.
And reading the forums. I can tell you I read and drool at hardware I don't have, or look at other things. These forums are honestly one of your best tools. No book on bitcoin contains the vast amounts of info found here.
But I just reading "great pay" "Jackpot paying".... etc on faucets that I feel don't pay more then cents and don't really teach you much. I want better then false hopes for the new people. This is why you will not see me spam a faucet with a referral link to help me. As i feel it only is really good for the person who referrers. They get paid to do nothing.