you will get the same amount of Bitcoin for it, no matter where you are. { If you are in California or Idaho, and you buy at exactly the
same exchange, you would get the same amount of bitcoins. } He wants to buy Bitcoin with the cheapest currency. Try the Zimbabwian
dollar. { Just joking... you will still get the same amount, no matter what currency you use. }
i know what he was suggesting. but i was adding the real outside the box VALUE
EG if i shouted right now rupee is 1% cheaper.. by the time the OP reads it. its gone.
before the OP even got to convert dollar to rupee to then buy btc, speculation and arbitration has changed the value. now rupee is not cheaper
i mention this. because say you had $600(already earned).. it doesnt matter if you converted it to any currency in the world to then buy btc. because the small fiat<->fiat exchange rates do not offset the 'fee' to swap dollars to another fiat before even buying bitcoin.
arbitrage is speculative and only gets you small percentages if timed right.. because arbitrage/demand/supply equalizes the fiat <-> fiat +-1% and there is never a real stable currency to choose and stick with.
but say you are thinking about earning $600 a fortnight to later convert to btc
you want to actually move to a place that can get you "cheap" bitcoin. someone from cuba, UK, Idaho would be better off moving to california and they will see they have to work less to then get bitcoin.
now say you are willing to put 80 hours of sweat a fortnight into getting btc.
in cuba your 80 hours will get you 0.00666667btc
in california you will get 1.3btc
so based on the big picture. of ongoing bitcoin purchasing.. you will earn more btc moving to california.. or even, montana to earn fiat and buy bitcoin for the rest of your life.