All the issues I have mentioned aside (which are enough to sink the ship), the name itself is "shadow-".
I do not see a path to mass-adoption with a name that brings to mind dark markets and illegitimate business. To have large value, you must have many participants bring and store value in a network. There is already a theoretical maximum number who will adopt a currency named 'shadow'. The Cryptonote coins do not suffer from this branding error, and are primed to be worldwide financial networks. This is where large-scale security and value both lie.
All are linked together in a self-feedback loop: size of the mining network, adoption, usage, value, brand recognition, economy. The majority (and especially large financial institutions where large amounts of human value are currently 'locked up') will not pour this value in to a crucible that feels designed to do something illicit.
Even the Dash-kids figured this out.
Stop your Sith madness and join the Jedi of the cryptocurrency world.
Okay, I could repeat that first line and insert Monero for Shadow.
Shadow is building on top of the currency a market for real world use. I see mass adoption happening a lot quicker when there is a use for the currency other than just speculation by some traders. It seems that most people dont give a shit about online privacy for normal everyday stuff, just look at facebook. There is one such group of people that do want to trade anonymously on line (darkmarket) and currently there is no simple solution for them, so this is an area that actually has some real demand other than speculation of a currency rising in value.
Good luck trying to get large financial institutions to accept Monero, I just cant see that happening anytime soon in this current outlook on the crypto scene.