Human nature is essentially a collection of needs. All needs eventually manifest in human behavior, becoming evident through repeated consumption choices.But in this society, many of our consumption behaviors are artificially created. Take sugar, for example. It has gone through multiple iterations. In the past, no one paid much attention to it or sought high sweetness. Now, under various forms of marketing, people have developed anxieties about their body shape and health. As a result, we have sugar-free, sugar substitutes, zero-calorie sugar, and arabinose, all appearing in the ingredient lists of various products.
Indeed, marketing had effectively altered what we consider to matter - such as sugar-turned it into a vital concern of health. As a result, the number of choices in relation to such concerns has burgeoned. It demonstrates how social influence alters personal choices. The intake of sugars is merely part of that larger trend that has made our natural strategies more than commercial impacts and health adoption. This brings to the fore important questions regarding whether consumption has been brought about merely by the individual's decisions or to what extent it is a product of social prescripts.
the capitalists bribed the researchers to claim sugar is healthy, that's make people don't care to consume a lot sugar.
However, people are now aware if sugar is unhealthy, so people mostly choose less sugar or no sugar. But, the capitalists are still trying a way to add sugar even the product claim to be sugar free/no sugar, instead they add sugar substitutes which is more dangerous if you consume it regularly.
Always eat organic foods, don't eat shitty high processed foods, juice, etc.
Raised some interesting points on the dynamics of the sugar industry. and public perceptions of past policies on public consumption It is true that awareness on the health risk of sugar has increased, and consumers are increasingly making conscious choices; most consumers opt for low or no sugar products. Introducing sugar substitutes makes it all the more complicated. more complex Because sugar substitutes can have their own health issues. That is something many people may not understand.
One of the steps in maintaining healthy is focusing on what one eats, avoiding very processed foods, and thus being mindful of what one is taking while seeking to have a balanced nutritious diet. Can we not teach people more about these possible dangers of sugar substitutes? Especially now that they market it as a healthy option, how can they be allowed?