Exchanges like Binance, Kraken and Kucoin offers staking features but its not actually that much profitable like trading the crypto assets and when your assets are on staking period the value of assets can drop drastically which is the biggest risk associated with crypto staking.
And even they say, funds are safu. It's still different from actually holding your coins while you're staking it. You choose from those interest, safety and locked in period factors.
You can do that mostly on your own with wallets that has staking feature without agreeing to the contract of holding it for a period of time.
Returns per year and coins available for holding is more on the exchanges and I guess only trust wallet offering the staking feature for some cryptos.
There are many other wallets that are also offering staking features for different altcoins that they have. It's just you need to choose the reputable on those wallets that also has that feature.
It easy to choose from those available wallets that have staking feature too.
Exchange wallet are not safe to use as staking mate, though others has offering staking yet we are always being advised that we need to stay away from leaving our money in online wallets for long time.
I will only let my funds in wallets when there are a need to trade .
I have believe in diversifying, regardless of whether it's investing or staking. Staking is a trendy feature most of DeFi exchanges, even centralized exchanges also offer nice percentage. At the moment Binance, Pancakeswap, Apeswap platform I'm referring to do stake. Until now i'm happy with their service and APY offering.
diversifying is what we need to use as basic strategy , because we must not put all eggs in single basket so if ever there is something happens your other investments is safe.