When you buy Bitcoin hen the price is 100k$ then how much will you sell it back to make profit because at that time the price of Bitcoin might not exceed 100k$ and if the price didn't not exceed that amount you will become a loser in the business so how does the vendors do at that time?
Or you buy at that time and thinking that it will go up to 200k$ but ironically, the price come below 100k$. What will be you faith/fate. Many companies stopped function last year because they accumulated a lot of Bitcoin when the price was high and they were thinking that the price would go up for them to sell them off and make their profit from there but instead the price of Bitcoin drastically come down very well. So the companies enter bankruptcy and folded. So exchange are trying to avoid such mistakes, so that they can run a long journey.
Will the price pass 100k$ next year 2024 for buys to make their gain?
Actually anyone buying Bitcoin at $100k wouldn't be thinking of gaining anytime soon owing to how Bitcoin trend is. Also, it is risky highly risky when you buy Bitcoin at mooning stage when the price skyrockets because it is always seen to have faced a deep dip afterwards or to some extent little dip ... therefore if anyone is buying at that rate ...then the person is not willing to trade any moment sooner from then...will have to hold for long to get maximum profit
Nobody knows how high the price of Bitcoin will be next year or how low. We all are looking forward to halving next year and the aftermath 😉
Well there will be 3 main times when Bitcoin is crossing $100k.
1) It'll be crossing $100k during the next bull market (and so anyone buying it then will at most have a few months of the price being higher and then they'll have to deal with probably 12 to 18 months of the price being lower during the bear market.
2) It'll be crossing $100k again during the next bear market as the price goes down. People will be buying bitcoin as the price drops from the bull market high.
3) It'll be crossing $100k again early on in the next market cycle, maybe like second half of 2027, and at that point $100k will be a low price so people will be buying to accumulate Bitcoin at the low price of $100k, the way people are doing the same right now at $30k.
After that point, anyone who has bought at $100k will be in profit forever.