It is not a question of whether Bitcoin goes mainstream or not, it is instead a question of whether people wish to truly control their own money/value/worth.
Right now Bitcoin is being marginalized and contained by way of governments and their imposing laws, and will soon be nothing more then another digital payment system.
People are supposed to control their government, to direct and guide their government for the betterment of the majority population. However, this simply is not the case, in that the government is entirely opposed to the people, and does what it must in order to maintain said control over the people. It maintains this control by way of fiat currency and with all of the laws that are designed to protect it, and with all of the agencies employed to enforce said protection.
Cryptocurrencies at this point in time are only as good as are they valued against fiat currency, hence, they are nothing more then tokens in a digital payment processing system. It does not matter that the ledger (blockchain) is not centralized, because the entry and exit points to fiat currency is centralized, and is highly controlled by government, which is why the government maintains such control over the people.
When people vote for a President, it is not their vote (or majority thereof) that elects a President, instead, a President is elected by the Electoral College vote, and so by design, it will NEVER matter who you vote for because you (the people) under design of government are not empowered with such privilege. But even if you were, it still would not matter because you are giving your vote (proxy) to a President that will not be accountable to you (the people), but instead will be subservient to the puppeteers (the ones that are really in charge, the underlying powers, aka Zionist bankers, the ones that control fiat currency).
Every aspect of fiat currency is controlled by people that are beyond government, hence government law has no rule over them. Yet, government law has absolute rule over the people. So, until the people get control of their government, they will have no hope or chance to control value and worth and the exchange thereof, apart from trading and bartering possessions.
Back when the United States government was formed, it was not possible for people to travel across the country on trains, or fly on airlines. As such, it took considerable effort to travel from one state to the next, and was often met with accident, injury, and death. So, to that end and at that time, it made sense for the people of each state to give their proxy to select individuals (congressmen, senators), whom themselves would travel to DC and be representative of their state. But along came the train and with it the ability to travel from one coast to the other in a matter days. Then came flight, and it was then possible for any senator or congressman to travel to DC in matter of hours. And in-between these also came the wire and then the telephone, and so collectively it became possible for any given state to reclaim their individual rights to vote (both as a state, and as individuals within the state), which meant people no longer needed to give their proxy to a select few. Finally, the computer came, and then the modem came, and then BBSes, and then the Internet, and by 2000 there was absolutely no good reason why the states and the federal government needed to be run by only a select few individuals.
Today, we have every technology to engage in direct democracy, wherein we need not elect officials for the purposes of giving them our proxy. Instead, we the people can vote directly on any and every issue concerning them and their state, and concerning them and their federal government. Elected officials should only SERVE the will of the people, where the people vote and make the decisions, and the elected officials do the actual job of making sure the decisions are implemented.
The blockchain could today, at this very moment, be used in each state and by the United States for the purposes of direct democracy voting, wherein the people hold the ledger and account (thus having true accountability), wherein people may 'pay to play' as it relates to what they do and do not want, such as war, or having potholes repaired on their local street. There is no good reason why the people's money should go into a blackhole government that itself decides what it should do, or rather, is told what to do by those who create and control the fiat currency. Until people wake up to this fact, and until people actually do something about this, then advents like Bitcoin will come and go, becoming slaves to the fiat currency against which they are valued, of which the people has no control over such value.