People don't understand anything here. I'm pretty certain that most of the people here don't know how it is to actually take risk (if they even know what risk actually means), or even work for money rather than begging for it or expecting it to grow on trees. This is exactly why a lot people here end up burning themselves in the worst possible way.
I do like bots, but I'm just too paranoid to use one myself, because I can't sleep not knowing how the market will trash whatever my bot was up to.
I do wonder though, with how most of these 'mass produced' bots continue to gain more traction within this market, there could very well be an incentive for those behind the development of these bots to sell that information to market makers and whatnot. From there it's very easy to fool these bots continuously, because you know exactly what they are programmed to do.
Whether you want it or not, humanity is rapidly moving in the direction of AI... its only the matter of short time until bots will completely take over... so suggest to get used to!
just FYI, a flexible/ smart bot will be able to generate revenue regardless of the market conditions...