Buy $10k worth of Gridseed units. (50 units)
Mine in a Multipool like
You send them about 17Mh a day you make about $100 a day in BTC
In 100-120 days you have recovered your investment and the next 8 months are all profit. (in a one year ROI model)
Power usage for 50 Gridseeds is less than 500 Watts, heat generation is near zero and if you disconnect the fans, the noise is also near zero.
You are welcome.
Im on board with you im thinking about geting a couple 20 packs of gridseed with my tax return to add to my 8 antminers allready running.. Dont forget to calculate the spikes in litecoin difficulty !! It's gone up over 35% just since march 1st !! That's less then 2 weeks time !! With all the gridseed asic comming online we might see that continue the next few months ?? What's you opinion on this