We try to purchase absolutely nothing that is marketed specifically toward lawyers, b/c it tends to cost 10x as much as it should, and has 1/10 the featureset of its equivalent product that is aimed at say, engineers.
Hey now. Huge Lexis-Nexis fan here. Sure it costs a fortune, but so much information!
Do I need a money transmitter license for an Angel fund/forum? I am not selling bitcoins for cash, once I would give a company the bitcoins they could turn it cash, but that would really be against what my type of fund is trying to do. I am trying to keep it in the bitcoin community instead of just moving to the dollar.
Do whatever you want, then pay a lawyer to argue it was perfectly legal if you get in trouble. That's how the fat cats operate.
It's easier to seek forgiveness than ask permission. Especially when everything not permitted is forbidden.