Stealing more land to add to Israel, Maybe Hitler was right and they did want to take over everything.
And he saved us from a Jew takeover.
Religeons should be banned, they are only brainwashing people, they are the cause for deads everyday in the world.
How can you still believe in a god that way.
Wow. You need to read up on national socialism before you spout such ignorant bull shit here. Also if I choose to practice a religion that is my right and if you want to curtail my response would be to tell you and your fascist friends to get stuffed.
Hey everyone is free to do what he wants right? even beleving in such a dumb religion, should be free.
People are just really stupid to believe in such a fairy tail story.
It's just made up by people, and how you can still believe in 2014 really, especially with all the science we have now.
Everywhere in the world religion is causing death's and problems.
Muslims killing people
Christians killing people
Jews killing people
For what I ask you!
Because a book tells you to act like a certain way or treat people a certain way, just because your so called god/book says so.
And I just dont understand what some groups of people believe in, or want to do to people of the world.
Like the Jews now they are stealing land and killing palestinians
While they are playing the victim role about WW2 anytime it comes up.
They are killing and stealing land, in the media they let us believe Israel are the good guys.
Till you actually read some proper information that is not feed to you by the media or school.