Satoshi Nakamoto is/was a real person.
We have yet known and verified that Satoshi Nakamoto is a person, company, group, agency or whatever kind of entity. If you called Satoshi Nakamoto is a person, it is not accurate at least now. If you have any evidence to support your opinion, please provide it here.
Well, it's just my opinion based on reading all those texts, source code, emails, etc. They all seem to be consistent, as in, written by a single person, in a single timezone, with a single writing style, etc.
In my view the default conclusion would be that Satoshi Nakamoto is/was one person, unless there's evidence to prove that there were multiple people accessing the account.
Some accounts were later hacked and it was pretty obvious the difference in tone in the messages. It's evident for anyone reading those messages that the newer ones come from a different person(there were a few emails, and a couple of posts online after Satoshi was gone).
Of course it's not proof, but in my view there's more chance of him being a single person that a group. It doesn't matter anyway.