Me and some buddies will soon be making an University presentation based on digital economies and we are considering using bitcoins as our main subject. We haven't really had the chance to formulate any serious questions and if we do pick bitcoins the questions in the future will probably be a bit more advanced. But here's something I personally have wondered instead and I'll just throw it out there.
Ok hold stop! Have you read and understood ? This should be your first read before any questions.
Why are bit coins being made (minted)?
To me it would be more reasonable to release the full amount from the start or in a worst case scenario organise a trust which releases bit coins at a set rate. From a cynical point of view this could be argued to be some advanced fom of a ponzi-scheme hidden in a pyramid-scheme.
Refering to above, read and understand it, your answer is in the question:
or in a worst case scenario organise a trust which releases bit coins at a set rate.
This is the mining community, open source like Linux. The coins are being mined for this very reason, release a steady amount over time.
The ponzi-scheme from my perspective seems to be the very nature of the digitcal coin.
It is rooted in no production increase for a specific authority/group and so each minting in in theory one of maximum inflation.
If there is 1 coin to begin and 1 coin is minted the value of the previous coin should be cut in half.
This part can be forgiven because it also serves a purposes, while it can be consideed a ponzi-scheme it can also be considered a service for which you pay to have access to. You get the anonymity and the global access. Ponzi-scheme may not even be the right word but in one way it is because its value is increasing from increased investment not from increased profit.
While it has some of the typical characteristics of a ponzi-scheme, it has also some characteristics that point against the fact it is a ponzi-scheme.
You have no "Trust" origination, due to this transactions are being broadcasted globally. And everybody gets to see everything. While the mining provides the initial distribution from coins, it also serves to safe keep all of bitcoins transactions data/history. For this purpose, eventually mining will be completely paid out of transaction fees, when all coins are mined.
But the pyramid-scheme part is to me the most serious part.
It seems to be that those who got in the earliest (pre - 2012) will get out the most from this whole thing in the end. Partly because of reasons above but partly also because clearly the early minter has an early advantage. In the end minting will become almost impossibe.
Well, in '11 they had this podcast with one of the main developers, who explained it pretty well. In the early days he had done a lot of mining, and collected over 10.000 BTC however he put this all into a website giving away 0.1 BTC for someones email address, just to create more awareness for bitcoin. (this was during the peak back then) Then the interviewer asked, what if you kept all your bitcoins, you would have had close to half a million US dollars now. On which the developer said, well if you look at it from the other way, if I would have kept all my coins, Bitcoin might have never become this popular and rise this far in price.
Big risk, big payout... And then only if you didn't spend your 10.000 BTC on 2 pizzas... I think this is pretty fair and also, most of the early adopters gave a lot of bitcoins away just to create more awareness about it and get it more popular. So yea I do expect most of them to have a secret stash of a 100 or a 1000 BTC somewhere hidden far away, but looking at the thousands if not millions they gave away... Plus all of this is a reward for them as without the early adopters bitcoin would have never made it.
In either case, even if you do not agree with this please do tell me why the amount of bit coins should be limited at 21^ and not unlimited?
If you do not have a fixed amount, it will result into inflation. (printing more money) I have no idea why and/or for what reason the number just under 21 million was chosen, but it will most likely have a mathematical purpose. (if they told me the max would have been 4 billion I would've been happy too)
You're very welcome