because crypto currencies could well be huge, they can do what nothing else before can & Litecoin is very set up for fast confirmation niche markets & ppl can still be early adapters there:,884.msg3897.html#msg3897The British Museum has added some Casascius bitcoins to it's permanent display on the evolution of money exhibition but Cas & devs don't want to take the next step of getting them set up with something to show their coin's addresses value on the blockchain live & QR codes etc so that visitors could donate to it just as they anonymously donate cash atm, could this be an opportunity to get litecoin out in the public eye & demonstrate it's potential - if so what would be the best thing to offer to donate to the museum to enable this?
Re niche uses, I'm thinking fairly low value uses where also waiting for a few confirmations isn't a problem, one potential enormous world wide one could be parking fees as the vehicle is going to be there for like at least 10 minutes for plenty of ltc confirmations & it would give an alternative to paying in cash, one could even top up one's fee if that's permitted by smart phone etc at a distance if the ticket machine generated a new address for each client & visit, it could even perhaps do away with tickets altogether if you just punched in your vehicle registration number, it then gives you an address to send to for that visit & when a warden comes round they just download the info in to a hand held device to be able to check against the vehicles parked in that zone. In the future your vehicle may just connect remotely to the paying system & do this for you - you just tell it how long you plan to stay or it keeps topping up until the maximum allowed visit time & sms you an alert, would also work well for congestion zone charges.
Train/bus etc tickets would work well as you are on them long enough for confirmations to take place, license fees also.
Another type of use could be photo booths as you pay first, get your pics taken then have to wait a few minutes for them to be developed which gives time for the confirmations to take place before it releases the pics to you, maybe hot food vending machines too where you have to wait for the product to be heated up.
Obviously crypto coins are ideal for charity donations as there is no incentive there for givers to double spend & no net loss anyway if they did.
Edit to add, for conventional vending machines they could give you a PIN number instead of the product & it's redeemable after 10 minutes or sufficient confirmations, would work for say cigarette machines in bars etc, stuff like gold ingots in hotels or airports where ppl will be waiting around anyway.