No one should be surprised. Merchants have been loudly announcing they accept bitcoin all year. And it makes sense for them to accept bitcoin. No chargebacks, forgeries, counterfeiting, no chasing after customers with collections agencies, etc., etc.
But they can't answer one stupid question: Why should I pay them with my bitcoin when I can pay them the same price with a credit card that gives me 2% (or 3% or 5% with my 2nd and 3rd cards right now in certain categories) cash back and allows me to defer payment ~45 days?
Merchants need to get serious if they expect to pick up actual revenue in bitcoin and gain a real advantage against the competition. Offer something like a 5% discount on BTC purchases, sharing the savings they enjoy using BTC. That would give people an actual incentive to accumulate and use BTC. Instead they are treating it like a short-sighted marketing gimmick.
I'm a merchant. It's been over a year since I started offering 15% off any order paid for with Bitcoin.
Not a single customer has paid with BTC - everyone just uses PayPal/Credit card. Several people have said they will check out BTC, but then they always pay using a traditional method. It's important to note however that my customer base is niche, middle aged and affuent.
But then I remember when McDonald's didn't take credit cards. I was a teenager I think before they started doing that, and they'd been in business since the 1950's.
If I would get 15% discount, I would definitly look into it, regardless of what it is.