As far as i understand, it's even a bad idear to use bitcoin and tor:
I've only read the abstract, but it seems plausible
the TL;DR version is basically: If an attacker does following steps:
Note that though Bitcoin allows only one peer per
IP address, it does not require high bandwidth. IP
addresses can be obtained relatively cheap and on perhour
• Periodically advertise the newly injected peers in the
network so that they are included into the maximum
possible number of buckets at the client side.
• Inject some number of meduim-bandwidth Tor Exit
relays. Even a small fraction of the Exit bandwidth
would be enough for the attacker as will be shown
• Make non-attacker’s Bitcoin peers ban non-attacker’s
Tor Exit nodes.
he can achieve following things
an attacker controls which Bitcoin blocks and transactions the
users is aware of; 2) they do not get the expected level of