I used to advertise faucets in my signature and 50/50 splits. Only had 7 people over 6 months sign up for freebitco.in
Funny to see people click it though. Had like 150 clicks.
People are just weird like that. I had a really interesting talk with a guy wanted to reverse bid on referrals.
People also are trying to look in their favor I guess, because the guy didn't instantly accept my 50/50 offer.
Link >
Reverse referral biddingI've watched people click my links for other sites, and I agree, there are tons of clicks but there are almost no signups from those clicks.
Referral bidding is certainly an... interesting(?) way to make money, but how do people actually earn money from using referral bidding, aside from the initial bid? How long do they operate for? Is it just until they get bored or get the equivalent of what they were paid, or are they locked into it? I see that, in the thread you mentioned, the guy said he is "active" with the program, but doesn't give much information aside from that.
And how is referral bidding, in your experience? Is it something worth getting into, or is it a fairly trivial thing to do?