Even some merchants and vendors have dumped Bitcoin in favor of other cryptos. Most know of the STEAM example.
they stopped accepting bitcoin but not for other cryptos, they are not foolish enough to add another altcoin that nobody even uses. it is not worth the hassle.
and in case you missed it, steam was using bitpay to accept bitcoin payments and bitpay doesn't accept any other altcoin so that is a no no right there
besides I would love to hear your thoughts. for example what altcoin do you suggest we start using? and please explain why and also how that altcoin has solved the scaling issue of bitcoin?
Well a few days ago, back when it was $130 per coin I recommended LTC. It's now over $300 a few days later.
being profitable is one thing being a proper cryptocurrency is another. if profit is the factor you care about them there are 1000 altcoin that can satisfy that.
The reason I like it is because it is basically a Bitcoin clone that has integrated more scalability at the outset.
that only increases capacity by factor of 4 (2.5 min blocks versus 10 min) it is unfortunately not a good solution for scaling. and as far as I know it was never meant for that. they decreased the block time to increase the speed of confirmation.
it also comes at the cost of 4 times bigger blockchain. imagine if bitcoin had 2.5 blocks the blockchain would have been 700 GB instead of current 175 GB
I also like the lead developer who has a good reputation. In contrast, one of the things I've never liked about Bitcoin from many years ago when I first learned about it was that it was developed probably by a group that claimed to be a single individual...and they've completely disappeared, leaving a custodian to manage it. This raised many red flags with me.
a decentralized and open source project should not have a single developer or a single team that everyone looks up to. that defeats the purpose of this whole thing. in my opinion Satoshi going away is actually a good thing.
I was actually following Litecoin for a few months before I actually wrote it out as something to buy. The reason I started really paying attention to it was after seeing the fees and transaction delays spiral out of control with the last run-up of $9000 of Bitcoin.
the same can happen to litecoin too. decreasing block time is not solving the scaling issue. the fact that it has not happened yet in LTC is because it is not being used remotely as much as bitcoin.
The fact that Steam dropped Bitcoin and started accepting LTC
Steam is NOT accepting LTC!
added a lot of potential in my mind. Personally I believe that Litecoin won't see scaling problems even if it becomes much larger than BTC.
The other coins that I like, now more than ever, are Dash and Bitcoin Cash. Now that BTC is having the problems that it is having, suddenly BCH seems like the logical successor...
you still have not explained "why"! just believing that they can is not enough.
all of these coins are based on the same technology. they have bigger blocks, shorter time between blocks,... but in the end they all have a limited size block to X bytes. and at some point that X is going to be filled if their adoption grows.
bitcoin can process ~ 3 tx/sec
LTC is 4 times faster ~ 12 tx/sec
BCH is 8 times faster ~24 tx/sec
not sure about Dash
but none of these can compete with the adoption because you can not have unlimited block size or for example 1 GB blocks.
VISA handles on average around 2,000 transactions per second!
and increasing this number is easy in theory but in reality it will bring about a lot of problems. you can see one of them in ethereum. you can no longer fully sync with the network from scratch. it is a HUGE blockchain over a slow network.
https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/ScalabilityOverall I still don't understand the blind loyalty to BTC.
that is what I have been trying to tell you. it is not blind loyalty, it is the fact that altcoins are not really better.
there are cool projects that nobody even hears about. like IOTA and ByteBall. but you wouldn't have even heard of them if IOTA was not pumped like how it is right now. they also have issues of their own FYI!