It doesn't matter at this point if you actually purchased the account or not. Over time it has been apparent that in one way or another you are not trustworthy. At first I thought you were an alt of tacoman and when you tried to give evidence to refute that claim, you showed an instance of you engaging in extremely unethical behavior. Evidence has since come out that suggests that you are likely not tacoman however you still have the issue of your unethical behavior.
The fact that Ume continuously shows up when you bring up additional points only gives additional evidence that supports that you are the same person as Ume.
There is also the point that you are a probable alt of ndnhc, see below.
You posted
here the address 1At8KjNtUyAhWdUuNrZyUsCVQCFqcuY68m which has been posted by ndnhc a number of times including
here (
Unfortunately it appears that you deleted the post on the giveaway thread as I was writing this post however I did manage to grab a
screenshot of it. The screenshot is not very good however BadBear or theymos can confirm that you actually posted the address.
I previously linked ndnhc to a failed extortion scheme.
Considering that you use tor to connect to the forum, I have my doubts that BadBear will be able to find all your alts, however if he can then I think it would be appropriate to out them as extortion is not cool.