Also the OP suggests they have the 1 resources, 2 ability to design, and 3 infrastructure to create an ASIC chip or finished product. That's seems like a far fetched assumption to me.
Just my 2 satoshis.
You're kidding, aren't you? All 3 of those companies have 1, 2, and 3. I'd say it's an uncertain market, that's definitely 1 reason the majors don't get involved. Also market size. AMD and nVidia might have a little interest, if they were sure the market would last a few years. Intel would consider the market way too small, even if they could have 100% of both sha256 & sCrypt sales. They probably make way more on just their LAN chipsets.
ASICs will be the realm of small, fly-by-night companies for quite some time. Notice how quick the prices drop? What successful company wants that?
That was just an after-thought, an "also"...
I don't know these companies assets and specific capabilities.
However these companies don't survive by standing still. Like a shark they must constantly be innovating and adapting. This I do know. A chance missed to serve a customer is less money for them. And since when are corporations not about their bottom line?
In their R&D departments, (if they have them) they are actively researching this very topic, (if they have the technical knowledge in house) and the top level executives are making funds available (if they don't think it's a ponzi).......
There's a reason they aren't trying to make money here. I suggested they missed the boat but are looking at how to get involved.
Or they are lacking 1 resources, 2 ability to design, and 3 infrastructure. All broad terms.