Let me know what you think, cheers
I think You could become a very good professional scammer. All Your reasoning is well sold to naive people, but lack in depthness.
1) Bitcoin is very slow and not suitable for small payments.
This is precise criticism and only minor part of it is important today. It is much more to do with looking into future. BTC scalability issues WILL NOT BE solved. It will either be ridiculously slow or it will not be decentralized blockchain.
Lightning network is a myth. Or even worse, in my opinion its a final death blow of this wonderful scam. When LN announced to be working, I predict BTC has 1-2 months left.
2) Bitcoin uses too much energy.
well, you basically jumped over the core issue here. well done! BTC uses so much energy and that energy is basically wasted because BTC tries to use distributed blockchain for transaction validation. in theory, that is where it "safety" comes from. If You say, that we can reduce energy usage, You say in converted way: "not nearly this amount of calculations (crypto) is needed to run BTC. And I agree with You. Mining at least in this amount is just a mechanism to hide a scheme behind it.
3) Transactions costs are too high.
Strong critics mean "production cost" of transfer here. Its clear to a fool, that when last coin is mined, no one will run their computer for free and basically all mining cost would need to be converted into transasction. This again is just theoretical, I still say, it wont be happening because BTC is a scam and will collapse like one big time.
4) BTC is not a secure method of payment.
You are mixing very inappropriate things here. Yes, blockchain technology is very safe in its core. But it doesnt mean BTC is as a whole. There are many aspects of safety. In normal transaction interests of both parties are secured at least to some degrees. With BTC You are not defended against frauds whatsoever, Your wallet is extremely undefended and trading environments suck big time in quality.
5) Its not convinient to make payments.
You dont even argue there. So no comments needed.
7) BTC is a bubble and only serves speculators.
I guess, not even speculators can gain from BTC as for now. Only price manipulators, p&d scammers and changing platvorms. Its a common mistake of comparing value of FIAT with BTC. You see... value of regular currencies reflects the belief, in how good health are the currect economy, political stability and perspection of a country. If something unordinary happens (civil war, political revolution, economic boom) it will reflect in exchange rate. Similar to stock market.
BTC on the other hand, has NO HEALTHY ECONOMY behind it! Its price is manipulated and it has no real value (because it has no real product behind it). Im not suprised, if price changes are done by whales themselves, when whales move bitcoins between their own wallets, they can mimic price rise very well, then suck in fresh money and after next fall start same cycle again.