bitcoin illegal some asia country bt why?can you give me some reason about this?? thanks
In my eyes it is because of the N.Kora issue and ppl are affriad holding
that much national money so they go more and more into crypto what
isnt to contol for the Governments so they shuted Bitcoin down more or less...
I think they will also swim back pretty soon with their decition and go ahead...
One reasson is also in my eyes the most powerful people on this planet have their
fingers into it just look on JP Morgen CEO said that Bitcoin is a fraud and he would
fire everyone of his workers who acts with it while he have a Blockchain
Trading Group for over 2 year already xD
All this is full of **** to be honest
They pump and dump Bitcoin this way and make Billions of ppls money just look
back when Bitcoin Bull runed on 5015$ on Coinbase... After that happend one
Horror news couldnt catch the other one until he was 2880$ again... This should
tell you a lot about how all this stuff works