Will Bitcoin gets slow down in volatility like stable way. I don't want my money to gets double, triple or a hundred times of my investment but I want my money to grow in slow, slow way which can helps on inflation.
Volatility is already decreasing. See
the volatility chart of the past years. The volatility decrease is however not uniform: in years where the price peaks happen, volatility is still high. The last two peaks were in 2017 and 2021. In addition, there was a volatility peak in March 2020 when Bitcoin price crashed due to the COVID-19 pandemic but it recovered fast.
I would be however cautious in 2025: we have already experienced a bull market since late 2022, with the price having increased 650% since then ($15,000 to $100,000 approximately). This means it is not unlikely that we will hit a new peak just in 2025 or 2026. If you invest near such a peak you will probably have to wait years for a positive return.
I think Bitcoin will evolve into a more stable asset very slowly and gradually. Perhaps in 5 or 6 years BTC will experience a volatility close to gold today (the Bitbo chart I linked above allows you to compare BTC volatility with gold's), and it will take decades until it is as stable as more stable assets (like bonds).
Why the Bitcoin is mostly volatile sir, mam?
There are several theories, but mine is that the reason is the short term investment horizon of most investors.
In simpler words: People invest to make short term profits, and then they sell as fast as possible. This leads to "herd" behaviour -- many try to either buy or take profit at the same time, creating big FOMO waves and crashes -- and thus very pronounced cycles of bullish and bearish phases. Fears of a big crash are also a factor contributing to volatility.
If people had more confidence in Bitcoin moving in a more stable way, and invest with longer time horizons and without this exaggerated fear of a crash, then also this could further lower Bitcoin's volatility.