If there not shipping till May - June why would anyone purchase these when the difficulty of bit coin will rise so high?
When it would arrive you would only make 2 Bitcoins in your first month.. Less the one in the second then half again the next? With the price at over 12$k with VAT wouldn't you be losing a a lot of cash?
5-1 – 5-31 (136 days) 15042 M 2.094 2.052 25.14
6-1 – 6-30 (166 days) 33047 M 0.9941 0.9743 26.11
7-1 – 7-31 (197 days) 55850 M 0.4926 0.4827 26.6
8-1 – 8-31 (228 days) 122 G 0.1973 0.1933 26.79
9-1 – 9-30 (258 days) 207 G 0.05148 0.05045 26.84
Am I getting something wrong or have people over looked these facts?
yes, with neptune is not possible earn profit. Is like when there were pre-orders of cointerra in august. The only way to earn profit is that btc price raise so never pay it by btc. pay cash