To get the HD seed, you can open the console and type "dumpwallet ", and it will be within the first few lines (this is a testnet wallet, but same principle applies for mainnet):
# Wallet dump created by Bitcoin v0.21.0
# * Created on 2021-01-21T16:59:50Z
# * Best block at time of backup was 1905234 (00000000e26170d0f846a334a1bfdfebe8da906c5),
# mined on 2021-01-21T17:05:05Z
# extended private masterkey: tpR2efnJMh85ufpQcYSTwrrKrYJ
cTdH4SbvTR 1970-01-01T00:00:01Z label= # addr=mnb8RSpTqvhLh8Q6,2MudYFE2awqc,tbvhpur8zf35ql3yx5h9nu
cRaKzuR9MCVwAxVa3aAZrVh15YbV 2019-08-26T01:19:00Z reserve=1 # addr=tb1q3qc52q hdkeypath=m/0'/0'/222'
cT2ozo5xcj6iCe4dTfywan3qJnib 2019-08-26T01:19:00Z hdseed=1 # addr=tb1qzqtu25qsue0a5pp3hg8lkftclf8ds <-- The first string of text on this line is the HD seed because it has 'hdseed=1'
cNb2K9tUhQaeXiVz2Jt2Wq9DMLdf 2019-08-26T01:19:00Z reserve=1 # addr=tb14d7lx hdkeypath=m/0'/0'/117'
Then to restore it, you can create a new wallet (do not use an existing wallet) and open the console and run sethdseed