Why do I like CGB?
One million cap
First three months approx 82% mined
Developers are active on the forums and in trade sites. I personally saw Elambert looking for BitJohn on Cryptsy to make sure they had updated their wallet client 6 hrs before the deadline.
They will be very difficult to mine in just three months.
Very small premine with full a disclosure ledger
"Do you have any Crypto?" just sounds friggin cool
I can buy hot sauce with them.
Developers have communicated information about any news or updates quickly and efficiently. All updates went very smooth, from my personal experiences.
I'm sorry but this one is just a no brainer, there are approx 170 currencies recognized by the UN in the world today. We need alternatives to the bitcoin, Cryptogenic Bullion has displayed the community and capability to do so thus far.
Yes of course, lets not forget about the team behind CB, their honesty, and all they have done to make this currency what it is.
Many new currencies that have been released lately, have been just for the sole purpose of the developer/developers making a quick buck.
Premining/instamining, promising services and giveaways which this premine/instamine is supposedly going to pay for, hyping the currency up, bribing an exchange, dumping their coins as soon as it hits the exchange, then running on to their next release and so on and so on.
The CB Dev team are doing things in the total opposite way, and in the right way at that. They know trust and transparency are among the first building blocks of anything new which people are going to buy into and support. They have been working hard on CB, and are building a solid framework around it.
They have always had the end product in mind, not just hoping it will get to where they would like it to be, but actively moving it towards its goal, as a high value per unit commodity. They are investing their time and money into it, knowing if they work hard enough, people will support it, and it will become something we can all use, whether that be as a store of value, or for exchange of goods and services.
Also don't forget about us, the community supporting it either. We are the legs on which it stands, and as much important as the Dev team themselves. We are the ones carrying CB towards that goal, whilst they are the ones clearing the path ahead.