Seems like Snail2 is trying telling us that we vote for our government, and then our government that gets voted in, calls us scum.
It is kinda true. Just take a look at these two short Larken Rose videos to see what it is all about. course, much of the info in these videos is common knowledge among the older Bitcoiners. Satoshi knew it, and that's why he worked so hard to make Bitcoin.
I think that the reason Muslims can be violent as they so often are follows this pattern:
1. You are captured by Muslim terrorist forces and held captive. Perhaps you are beaten;
2. The Muslims use "good cop, bad cop" type of brainwashing on you, making you feel that they are your friend, sort of, at the same time you are their captive;
3. Stockholm Syndrome sets it. You might even fall in love with one of your captors, and it is even possible that a captor falls in love with you. At any rate, you become buddies with them because they have spared your life and have even done reasonably good by you;
4. They promise you freedom if you convert to Islam, but you must be sincere, or you will be tortured to the extreme if you aren't, and are found out;
5. Perhaps you have in mind to escape later, but you agree with them just to get some freedom. They never give you enough freedom to escape; they continue their brainwashing; finally you convert for real so that they can give you enough freedom for escape, but you don't use it (a few people do use it);
6. You become active in the Islamic religion, and the terrorist cell that captured you in the first place.
7. You become one of the new terrorists, and the cycle is repeated.
Place a shark in a tank of water. Block off a section of the tank with a pane of glass, and fill it with goldfish. The shark sees the goldfish. He wants to eat the goldfish. He swims full speed at the goldfish. But the pane of glass stops him, even stuns him a little, even hurts his nose a bit. Leave the shark and the goldfish in this situation for many days. After a while, the shark has learned his limits. Remove the glass pane that divides the sections of the tank. Now the goldfish can swim unharmed all around the shark... most of the time. Conditioning. Brainwashing.
The Millitaries of the world are a bit like this with their soldiers. In the U.S., often a person becomes a soldier voluntarily. He submits to basic training. There his voluntary agreement to become a soldier is used to brainwash him into submission to his commanding officers. A few people die in basic because they are pushed beyond their physical limit. Those who don't die become reasonable BRAINWASHED soldiers. Many go on to become officers, and are trained in how to do the brainwashing without even realizing that it is brainwashing that they are doing. This brainwashing remains with them throughout their lives. They call it patriotic thinking. Try to convince a patriotic ex-marine that has any good in it. Difficult. The brainwashing has told him it is foolishness.