Lack of patience in trading is the main factor due to not having knowledge about correct trading. Trading must have a strategy and goals. If it's like this, maybe you can slowly hone your patience in trading. People who don't have patience in trading are usually those who don't want to process trading and always panic when prices fall.
It is not wrong if you say it like that because knowledge, goals and strategies are things that must be prioritized in trading, while patience is a technical thing that can be considered as support from ourselves because doing it without any patience of course the results will be worse so that things like patience are also needed in jobs like trading.
Because basically if they have a good and structured trading plan it will help us stay focused and objective in looking at the market. Apart from that, we can also avoid impulsive decisions based on emotions. The point is that in order not to experience frequent losses in trading, apart from knowledge and patience in controlling, it is also important to remain consistent with our plan in trading and not deviate from the strategy that has been established from the start.
Consistency is part of getting used to continuing to trade routinely in any condition, but we also need to see market conditions in order to be able to produce a more appropriate plan because there are times for us to wait a moment before making a new decision when we see market conditions that have changed. This means that from each different condition there must be a different plan because a trader also needs to know when he should buy and when he should sell it again and when for him not to buy and sell anything he already has.