I have recently bought a hardware wallet. (Ledger Nano S)
This made me think about the reasons why I should trust my life savings
to these companies? They write software that I cannot understand and I
trust other people to verify that the software that they wrote is 100% safe.
Why do I trust the people who "verified" that code? I have no idea what
their motivation is and if I can trust them.
The only answer that I could get, was that the honesty and the trust
would benefit the group and the community that was using this
Well,you cantrust them because you know who are those providers, in the case where your bitcoins disappear then you know who to blame, but remember hardware wallets are vulnerables too.
The problem here is if some one get access to your hardware wallet and take your bitcoins, you could think the ones who thief those coins was the wallet creators because they create your private key, but at end we can see tons of vulns on the move.