However, worshiping God includes finding the religion that prescribes how He wants you to worship Him, and then using that method.
There are however plenty of fools in the world that think they know WGW.
Wise people ignore their nonsense.
That's not true.
Since we have found scientific proof that God does really exist, all we need do is examine the universe, ourselves, and the ways that God provides for us to start to see at least a hint of how God wants us to worship Him.
When we throw the record of the devil into the mix, we can see more of how God wants us to worship Him.
One of the basic ways God wants us to worship Him is with a grateful heart. After all, He doesn't provide such general goodness and protection for us without wanting at least a feeling of gratefulness from us.
You don't see? You obviously haven't been thinking about the things you have been looking at. For example. If you happen to be strong willed enough that you can hold your breath until you pass out, you will wake up again, in a few minutes so that you can live, or try the stupid stunt over again. Natural protection, built in by the Creator.
However, we all know that people can throw their protection away if they want. Many people ride motorcycle without a helmet. Others wrestle alligators. Some do stunts with faulty equipment. People volunteer to be soldiers to go fight in wars. Many others will not accept Jesus salvation so that they can live with God forever, rather than dying forever in the Lake of Fire.