I have been trying to watch some YouTube videos about crypto trading and also tried to read some articles to understand the different indicators but one thing that baffles me is that most of them claim to have made lots of money from day trading, and yet they continue asking people to subscribe for their Premium content for $100,$150 etc
If they claim to have made lots of money through their good trading strategies then why do they ask for money? Is it too much greed for more money, or they are simply lying about making money from their strategies?
I have known someone like this, he charged money to get people into his telegram chat and he had two of them, one was for general public that he shares few info that would eventually come true which made people want to get into premium chat and one was premium chat where he shared stuff constantly.
His reasoning for asking money was to keep the number low, he didn't want to many people, I mean he was already making a lot of money from trading and the chat income last we calculated was about a thousand dollars per month for him, we have seen his trades and we did trades at the same time with him so we knew he was making much much more than a thousand so we had no reason not to believe him.
He just didn't want people who constantly bothered him, he sometimes even didn't renew some peoples premium just to keep them away, he wanted a small smart chat for himself and that is it.