by your own words you modified your posting according to what you were told to do and were paid for doing it
man up is something you are unable to do as I predicted but hide behind twisted words cause you are unable to admit you shot your wad
nothing more than a stalker and a bully and now a poor excuse for a human being
makes me sorry I am related to you
Someone rip this dipshits hands off and stuff 'em up his ass. I bet BFL is starting to line his pockets again!
edit: never mind, Xian01 got it right (he's a butthurt anal bleed), but the possibility of undercover shilling is HIGH!
please provide proof of shilling I only see butthurt liar not accepting he fucked up and got caught in his braggart posting
Funny how earlier tonight Bruno go offline and minutes later you come online, then you go offline and 3 min later Bruno come online and now Bruno again offline and you are online
coinkydink possibility but more likely Bruno going full Bruno yet again
Edit: now role reversed again and Bruno back online