Because people find DEXes, when dealing with fiat at least to be less convenient, slower, and have a lack of liquidity so they don't mind giving up their identity if that means being able to buy and sell within a couple of minutes.
Definitely true and this is in fact the reality on which people wont really be minding on exposing up their identity just for the sake of convenience on where CEX is really that giving.
Even myself would really be that much prefer on using up CEX all the time, the only thing that what you should really be minding on is on how you would really be storing up your coins
on which its never been that recommended that you would really be doing such thing considering that we dont possess the keys of such wallet and this is the main risks when dealing
up with these platforms on which on the time that they would really be hacked then there's no way that you could be able to take or get those coins back.
This is the only cons that i do see when it comes to hacking incident, plus also those possible lock up when you do able to hit up or violate something on which they could easily
block you up but when it comes to overall utility and usage and convenience then i could say that CEX is best.