Why does government like atheism? If atheists converted to Bible religion, the War on Drugs might shut down. In addition, all kinds of additional freedoms would be available to people so that government people would start to lose control of their slaves. Here's a story that shows why.
Back around the turn of this century - the year 2000 or so - the State of Texas went after a small husband and wife company for selling colloidal silver, which is a grandfathered-in nutrient. Their reasoning was that the people were making claims that colloidal silver could cure diseases, and because of this, the people were selling drugs, and fell under the classification of a controlled substance.
It is unclear whether or not Texas won its suit regarding the husband and wife team. However, the company apparently shut down and sold off its equipment and supplies.
One of the buyers of some of the equipment started his own company, manufacturing and selling colloidal silver. He also sold a little device about the size of a cellphone that a person could use to make his own colloidal silver. When the guy did this, he found himself named on the same lawsuit along with the previous company, even though he was never part of that company.
The reason that Texas gave for placing this guy on the law suit was, the little device he sold supposedly fell under laws as medical equipment. That's when this guy found out about, and contacted, Alfred Adask for help.
Alfred Adask is a legal researcher - though not an attorney; more like a paralegal - who often helps people with their legal issues. Alfred started looking into FDA law, and Texas law regarding drugs, etc.
The key piece of information that Alfred found regarding FDA drug and nutrient laws was a little term/phrase that is used, and has been used since the early 1900s, regarding people and animals. This little FDA term/phrase is "... people and other animals," and is found in drug laws in the U.S., and in many of the States as well.
For a long time human beings have been considered by many scientists and others, to simply be highly intelligent, reasoning animals. And, around this term/phrase, "... people and other animals," is where Alfred built his case. If government had simply said, "... people and animals," Alfred might not have been able to pull it off. But because government inserted the little word "other" where they did, government was essentially saying that people are animals, and Alfred was able to win against government. Here's how he did it, and it is pretty simple.
In the Bible, Genesis 9:6 says, "Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed;
for in the image of God has God made man." Look at the bolded part (which is my bolding, not bolded in the Bible). It is around this part that Alfred built his case.
The case is (my wording):
If government calls people animals, then government is infringing on people's religious rights preserved under the First Amendment, especially if people include the Bible as part of their religion. Why? Because people have been made in the image of God, and animals have not. Thus, people are not animals, and government is infringing on the religious beliefs of people if they say that people are animals.What had been happening in this case before Alfred noticed the government of his Bible findings was, every 4 or 5 weeks government was sending paperwork to the defendants (including Alfred - he had joined the case in a way that provoked government into including him as a defendant), threatening them with $millions of dollars in fines along with imprisonment.
After Alfred notice government of the above, they quit sending letters for about 5 months. They got a shrewd judge to handle the case, and tried to make a deal with the defendants that they would drop all charges if the defendants simply got food handlers permits. The defendants, including Alfred, didn't take the deal, and after a time government notice them that the case had been entirely dropped. This was about 2 years ago.
You can listen to Alfred explaining the case on one of Angela Stark's Talkshoes, at
http://recordings.talkshoe.com/TC-39904/TS-730484.mp3. (Angela Stark's Talkshoes -
http://www.talkshoe.com/talkshoe/web/talkCast.jsp?masterId=39904&pageNumber=0&pageSize=15. Angela Stark's webpage -
http://www.myprivateaudio.com/. Alfred Adask's website -
The point of this whole post is, if anybody wants to use supposedly illegal drugs, all the FDA findings that the drug war is based on, revolve around the phrase, "... people and other animals." This means that any time that anybody wants to use illegal drugs legally, all they need to do is join a Bible religion, and they can beat government in court on any drug related charges.
Government doesn't want atheists to become religious for this exact reason. It
isn't the Bible religious people that follow their religion faithfully who use the majority of illegal drugs. It is the atheists and the religious-in-name-only who do. If the atheists became Bible religious and used drugs, the war on drugs would collapse, and the face of the nation would change. Why? Because government couldn't use the drug laws against them anymore, because it would be an infringement on their religious rights. In addition, if the things that Alfred did came to light, people would start finding all different kinds of ways to apply Bible religion to all kinds of other things that government makes illegal.
What do you think? Listen to the recording at the link above first (
http://recordings.talkshoe.com/TC-39904/TS-730484.mp3). The first half hour of the recording tells the largest part of this true story.