Said bug was caused by reducing the hop count of transaction requests to alleviate network load, which meant that hatchers were not getting a fair opportunity to take part.
Am I need to be accused of being a liar every time there is a bug, in beta software, that isn't launched?
Please....this is getting old and I'm getting tired of being professional about it!
you r not professional.
where is the source code for us to view? when will it be disclosed? so we can see some of your tricks ourselves.
where is a detailed white paper of your obfuscated code?
It is so easy to stop all the FUD by be open on it, but you cant you have to much to hide.
will there be a list with account addresses and how many emu they got from before startup?
How you going to pay taxes to the governement when income is BTC,LTC, etc, but I will ask that question to them myself.
is there any protection against bankruptcy of your company for the investors? I am asking becaus BTC,LTC,NXT,etc can not go bankrupt.
oh yeah and pay back my initial investment, mailing you for weeks now.
Yeah we all know why you want the source code