Yes, TECHSHARE you sounded the warning buzzer back in 2013 but I don't think they'd gotten themselves into the trouble that led them to the present mess yet. But who knows what the truth is. I opened an account with them earlier last year and everything seemed to go OK, but I wasn't making huge trades. Just some DOGE-->BTC. Thank blob I did not deposit a significant amount of anything there. They're fuckers over there.
You don't believe Vern's excuse do you? IMO they were engaged in various ponzis and other scams as well as being completely negligent running the exchange.
No, of course not. We've heard the "we got hacked" story before with Mt. Gox and even if they did get hacked, they apparently didn't do anything about it until just recently. That's gross mismanagement. I said they were fuckers over there, did I not?
I don't know anything about them running or participating in ponzis but it would not surprise me. I thought they might have gotten caught taking one side of a number of trades and lost when the price dropped (or something like that). I don't see how an exchange can lose money any other way unless something shady is going on. And I definitely believe something shady was going on.
You obviously want to tell everyone "I told ya so", and I get it. You did. I'm not arguing with you here. They were shady all along it appears.