Except these users from my blacklist
gmaxwell, Foxpup, malevolent, qwk, Hueristic, DooMAD, Timelord2067, NeuroticFish, babo, LFC_Bitcoin, Lauda, DaveF, mindrust, nutildah, yogg, bL4nkcode, ETFbitcoin, Hhampuz, franckuestein, bones261, P_Shep, El duderino_, bitcoinPsycho, bob123, CryptopreneurBrainboss, HairyMaclairy, mikeywith, DireWolfM14, xtraelv, Iamtutut, dragonvslinux, SiNeReiNZzz, Cryptotourist, levyashin, mosprognoz, blurryeyed, SooEz4Me, GeoRW, shinohai
gmaxwell, Foxpup, Vod, malevolent, Balthazar, qwk, Hueristic, DooMAD, JayJuanGee, Timelord2067, owlcatz, LFC_Bitcoin, Lauda, DaveF, xandry, gentlemand, BitcoinFX, examplens, mindrust, robelneo, nutildah, yogg, TheNewAnon135246, johhnyUA, Lafu, ETFbitcoin, fortunecrypto, stompix, LeGaulois, TheUltraElite, cryptodevil, TryNinja, BitcoinGirl.Club, marlboroza, bones261, P_Shep, TwitchySeal, JollyGood, El duderino_, Royse777, bitcoinPsycho, bob123, sheenshane, DroomieChikito, TheBeardedBaby, coinlocket$, meanwords, witcher_sense, Thekool1s, IconFirm, psycodad, ChiBitCTy, CryptopreneurBrainboss, TMAN, qwertyup23, Bthd, COOLCRYPTOVATOR, dkbit98, mikeywith, DireWolfM14, 1miau, jamyr, rhomelmabini, lovesmayfamilis, notblox1, xtraelv, logfiles, TalkStar, bubbalex, DiamondCardz, Csmiami, dragonvslinux, AlexSimion, SM23031997, BitPotus, SiNeReiNZzz, Ratimov, CucakRowo, solosequenosenada, ScamViruS, zasad@, Rikafip, MagicByt3, mosprognoz, GazetaBitcoin, NotATether, bullrun2020bro, HBKMusiK, BlackHatCoiner, blurryeyed, CryptoYar, nullius, lighpulsar07, Rizzrack, rifiuti, phreess, shinohai, Bitcoin_bullish, Duncan.Idaho, M-BTC, wizz13150, moug, Nomar, harding, SockyMcSockFace, jimmyhate, bitcoinsvsucks
Foxpup, LFC_Bitcoin, IconFirm, Iamtutut, mosprognoz, blurryeyed, GeoRW
owlcatz, JayJuanGee, NotATether, wizz13150, minifrij, BitPotus, NotATether, Bthd, MagicByt3, Lafu, xtraelv, Timelord2067, Balthazar, TMAN, owlcatz, dragonvslinux, bitcoinPsycho, JollyGood, COOLCRYPTOVATOR, TMAN, marlboroza, TMAN, COOLCRYPTOVATOR, DooMAD, nullius, LFC_Bitcoin, MagicByt3, IconFirm, mindrust, Timelord2067, blurryeyed, dragonvslinux, shinohai, DireWolfM14, franckuestein, boltalka, mosprognoz, LBX, Hueristic, JSRAW, nutildah, Lauda, Last of the V8s, gembitz
TECSHARE, malevolent, Balthazar, Foxpup, Timelord2067, DooMAD, Rizzrack, SiNeReiNZzz, JayJuanGee, DaveF, owlcatz, bones261, IconFirm, blurryeyed, JollyGood, El duderino_, dragonvslinux, sheenshane, o_e_l_e_o, GazetaBitcoin, coinlocket$, Bthd, BlackHatCoiner